Thursday 7 May 2009




What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
In a way;

If so, how? And if not, why not?
it is interesting to discuss why certain people behave the way they do-it would be evem more interesting to know why they do it from a psychology perspective.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
Appropriate level

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes they all were; but there are also many other topics that could have been covered.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Binge Drinking/Bullying

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

What did you think of the module team?
The module team are very good and helpful.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
Possibly; to make it eassier to gather views together

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
I feel discussion and debate was at a good level

Information and talk from lecturers?
This was also at a good level

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes they are; I enjoyed seeing what another module from a different subject was like.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes;it makes it more interesting

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Unfortunetly I have no opportunity to take up an electives at level 2; but i would consider it if i could.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes i would

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes;they allowed us to present our own opinions as sometimes we don't want to say them in class

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
It was good to have a change and do a creative writing peice, rather than writing essays all the time.

What have you learned from the module?
I've learnt to value other people's opinions and that there are alot of different opinions out there.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The Blogs; I think it's good that I had an opportunity to say what I thought openly, without worrying I was going to be judged

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
None really; although I would have liked the creative writing peice to have a larger word count cause I don't feel I was able to tell the story properly with such a low word count.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
It was a good module and I'm glad I picked it as an elective.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Comment 5

This person's blog on broadcasting suicide interested me;I don't understand why anyone would do this. Suicide is a very serious matter; why should someone broadcast it on the internet? It sounds horrible but surely these people are just attention seeking; suicide is something severly depressed people find is the only way out.
I don't think that suicide is particularly 'bad'; I feel that someone that does it are brave and I don't see suicide as 'a coward's way out'! I can't imagine the type of situation that would mean that someone wanted to end their lives; it must be pretty bad.

Comment 4

I agree with Laura's opinion on the show 'super sweet 16'; whenever I watch this show I always find myself shouting at the TV because the people on it are so spoilt and are not grateful for anything they get. If my parents brought me a car for my birthday I'd be so happy, no matter how crappy or cheap it was-as long as it got me from A to B i wouldn't care.
I don't think I could ever say that I wouldn't act like that if I was like those kids and my parents had loads of money, cause I really don't know how I would act.
My parents have brought me up well; and when I ask for something I usually do get it eventually, whether it's by them buying it me or me earning the money to get it.
I don't think these kids could be seen as particularly 'bad', they just need to be more grateful for what they've got.


Bullying is pretty common nowadays, people get bullied for many different reasons; the colour of their skin,their weight,something about their looks, the way that they are i.e. their personalities. But I believe it's never right to bully someone. What right does someone have to pick on someone for just the way they are.

I'm sure most people have been bullied at some point in their lives. I know I have; but I was one of those people that got tipped over the edge. Some people can put up with being bullied and all they have to do is tell the teachers or their parents, or even face the bullies themselves, and then it's all over. I didn't do this.

I was bullied when I was 7 for being 'fat'; looking back now it was just puppy fat-something most kids had-but I guess the person who bullied me just wanted something to do or whatever. Anyway it got that bad that I stopped eating. I guess I figured that I was fat because I ate, so if I didnt eat then I wouldn't be fat; that's quite a scary theory for a 7 year old. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table and refusing to eat my food; my parents said that at first they just thought I was ill, like had a stomach bug or something, but then it just started to make them angry. They didn't know why I wouldn't eat, so they just got angry with me;I can remember sitting at the kitchen table crying just staring at my dinner until it went cold and my Mum finally let me leave the table. So my Mum ended up taking me to the hospital cause I was having dizzy spells and all that, by then I was as thin as, and I remember the doctors told me I had to start eating or I'd die-a scare tactic that worked. So i eventually put the weight back on; I was on medication and all that.

I got my own back though, on the guy that had been bullying me, when I was about 15 he turned up at my Secondary school-so I hit him! I think he had no idea why I did it; but it made me feel better, after all I could have died.

That is just one case of bullying; they can be so much worst and I have heard stories about people committing suicide because of bullying, which is terrible. What right does someone have to drive someone else to do something like that?

Some people say other people pick on people because they have low self-esteem so they have to pick faults with other people to make themselves feel better. This is an interesting theory and one that I believe. I know we shouldn't really feel sorry for bullies, but I do believe that they do do it for a reason and they're not just 'bad' people. It could be something that is happening at home or in their personal lives, or because they were bullied before and they want to feel like they have power over someone.

It's been found that boys pick on both boys and girls, but girls only pick on other girls. Why would this be? A boy picking on a girl doesn't make them look 'hard' so why would they do it? It doesn't make sense, but then again bullying doesn't make sense to me one bit.

Bullying can be that bad that there are even charities for it to help people that are victims of it. I believe that no matter how much we try as a society, there will always be someone that has to make a comment about someone or pick fault with someone else; just to make themselves feel better. Which is pretty sad really.

So, in conclusion; I believe that bullying is never right. It is something that can be undoubtedly categorised as 'bad' and anyone that believes that there's nothing wrong with it is obviously pretty stupid and probably a 'bad' person themselves.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


Drinking; alot of people do it, but is it 'bad' to drink? I think that drinking is okay from the social point of view;just going out once a week or so with friends to drink and have a good time. The problem comes when people take it to the extream; getting 'wasted' on numerous days of the week and not knowing what they're doing-even worst when it develops into drinking everyday-alone.

Taking the health risks into account; whilst revising my Psychology work I came across something called Korsakoff's syndrome, this illness is to do with the loss or shrinkage of neurons in the brain which can effect an individual's memory. This illness comes about from severe alcoholism.

Like drugs; severe consumption of alcohol can produce an addiction, thus the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms when they do not consume any, so therefore they have to drink just to feel 'normal'. Alcoholism can lead to problems with internal organs such as; liver disease and the illness mentioned above. Additionally to this; if a women drinks whilst pregnant this can affect the baby's development, which can influence mental illnesses and physical deformatives.

Even when the health risks are not taken into account, alcoholism can cause many personal problems such as relationship problems, feeling withdrawn from friends etc.

There are many effects of alcohol; it causes a relaxing feeling, slows reflexes, lowers inhibitions and can make the individual feel confident and good about themselves. This within itself can cause problems; drink driving/unprotected sex. But such things are really only a problem when the individual goes over their limit.

I myself know when my limit is; I have only ever got that drunk I didn't know what I was doing-luckily enough I had good friends with me that gave me plenty of water to sober me up and so nothing bad happened to me (if you don't count the hangover the next day). But this doesn't always happen;hence the problems with drinking too much alcohol.

So really I don't see alcohol as being 'bad' as long as you know your limits and pace yourself, there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy yourself whilst drinking alcohol. The problem comes when you drink too much...that's when alcohol is 'bad'.

Monday 4 May 2009

Comment 3

After reading the blog about homosexuality; I have to say that I agree with this individual. I can't believe that someone would see being homosexual as being 'bad'. Those people who are have no choice; the same way that a straight person is just straight-they don't chose to be that way they just are. So homosexuals do not chose to feel attracted to the same sex, it's just the way they feel and other people have no right to judege them for that. Again I agree with the view that it's the homophobic people that are 'bad'; judging people for something that they cannot help being. Really someone's sexuality is totally up to them and is no one else's business but their own. Straight people don't get judged or discriminated, so why should homosexuals?!


Many people swear and don't see anything wrong with it; I myself swear, sometimes totally by accident, but is it bad? I suppose there's a time and place to swear; I wouldn't swear infront of my Grandparents, but I do infront of my Mum & Dad. I can remember the first time i swore infront of my mum and dad; I got shouted at, it wasn't till I reached 18 that they allowed me to say the mild swear words. I must admit that I'm shocked at some of the words I hear 10/11 year olds saying, it's just not right.

Some people might say that swearing is totally unnecessary, I suppose there are enough words in the English language to express how you feel without swearing. But sometimes swearing is the only way to emphasise the feeling felt. I'm not the sort of person that swears every 3rd word; I mostly just do it when I'm really angry or if something really hurt. I think there's a time and place to swear; like amongst friends, where it's socially acceptable to do so.

It was interesting to find whilst doing research that modern studies have shown that non-literate cultures suggest that 'swearwords came from the belief that spoken words have power'. It's believed that spoken words can curse or bless people, so this leads to the belief that words are good or bad. Studies have also shown that swearing actually has a positive psychological effect on us; i.e. it allows us to get our feelings out so they do not build up inside of us causing us psychological harm.

So reaslistically; can someone say that swearing is bad when it's been found that it actually benefits us? I know it makes me feel better to swear if I'm angry. I don't think that it's necessary to swear every few words for no reason.

According to a study by Jay; 'we swear on average from 0.3% to 0.7% of the time — a tiny but significant percentage of our overall speech (frequently-used personal pronouns occur at approximately 1.0% rate in speech).' That's quite alot of swearing for an average person.

But is swearing bad? No, not in the right context. A sentence made up of more swear words than 'normal' words is bad; but a sentence expressing hatred or anger that contains a few swear words isn't too bad. If you swear for the right reasons I don't see anything wrong with it at all.

Saturday 2 May 2009


Are drugs bad? I believe that the answer is yes-full stop. Every drug has the potential to become addictive; even before you start to consider the health risks, there's the cost of them. Cannabis is between £50-£130 per ounce depending whether you have grass or resin (this personally means nothing to me). Heroin can cost as much as £100 a day. So, taking this into account; where does this money come from? I personally couldn't afford to spend £100 a day on a drug; so what about people that are in a worse finacial state than a student? Hence, this leads to things like theft; which then causes more trouble for the individual.

So why do people take drugs? For the high, to feel confident and good about themselves, because they are addicted? I personally don't see the point! People take them before a night out and I know that when I go out I drink, and alcohol is classed as a drug, but I know the effect that it has on me. If I took a drug I'd have no idea what it would do to me and that's quite a scary thought.

Moving onto the health risks; drugs create mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and has even been found to lead to schizophrenia. Psychiatrists have found that in 80% of cases the use of cannabis has lead to schizophrenia; now who would want a mental illness just for a little high on a night out or whatever. I know I wouldn't.

I can't really explain why drugs don't appeal to me. I suppose it's because I've never really been around people that take drugs so haven't had the experience of being offered them or the per pressure to take them. I also haven't experienced any of my friends getting addicted; which must be terrible to watch. I know there are a few of my friends that have tried weed, but really the drug that my friends like is alcohol. I'm not supporting the excesive cosumption of drink; but I feel like drinking is a social thing, as well as being for the individual's pleassure.

So, in conclusion; I have no will whatsoever to ever consume any drugs (but alcohol) for the rest of my life (this is-of course-with the exception of prescription drugs). I guess it would be interesting for someone to enlighten me on the positive things about taking drugs, cause I admit that I don't really know anything about them; I just know that I don't want to take them.

Friday 1 May 2009


There's lots of risks of smoking; heart disease, cancer and circulatory problems. I personally don't have that much experience of smoking; none of my parents smoke and my brother doesn't. My Grandparents smoked for a period of my life but then gave up, but they now suffer from asthma.

I don't see the point in smoking to be honest; I don't understand what appeal it could have to someone. It smells, discolours your teeth and nails, there's loads of health risks and you become addicted to it. How is that a good thing? I'm proud that I've never smoked before in my life, i have been offered a cigarette every now and again, but it's just never appealed to me. It's not because I'm thinking about the chance of getting addicted or any of the health risks; it sounds vain but I'm more bothered about what it would do to my looks-i.e. discolour my teeth and make me smell. How is that attractive to anyone?

I suppose we could get into all the things that may influence someone to smoke; per pressure was probably one of the greatest influences on the young who smoke-they do it to try and make themselves look cool!!! But they just don't!!!

One of the worst things with smoking is passive smoking!!! There's nothing worst than walking behind someone down the street and having smoke blown in your face everytime they exhale. Not only does it increase the risk of health problems if it's consistent, it also makes you stink.

To me the smoking ban couldn't have come sooner; this is mainly do to with the fact that I don't see why just because someone wants to put their health at risks that they have the right to put someone else's health at risk through passive smoking. It was worst in restaurants; you got to eat smoke as well as the meal you ordered-which is never nice.

So in conclusion I don't understand the appeal of smoking at all; all it does is increase your health risks and make you stink!!!! Ew!

Thursday 30 April 2009


'Lying is communication with the intention of creating a false belief.'

But is lying good or bad? Well I think that it all depends on the type of lie. If it's a little white lie to protect someone's feelings; then I think it's okay. But when it comes to much bigger, more serious lies then there not so okay.

Something as basic as saying you didn't have the last slice of pizza when you did is just a silly lie But telling your girlfriend or boyfriend you didn't sleep with someone else when you did is a lot more serious. Not only because you've betrayed them; but you're continuing to lead them to believe that they're in a loving, trusting relationship.

Another way to look at lying; is the old 'cry wolf' story. If someone continues to lie about something when it isn't true and they get found out; other people will find it difficult to believe that person when something really does happen. So I suppose in that case it is bad to lie.

So why do people lie? To gain some benefit? To get themselves out of something? There's lots of different reasons. People lie to their parents so they don't get in trouble, an individual may say that they've slept with more people than they have to look good infront of their friends.

However; there comes a problem when someone begins to lie to themselves. An easy example would be; someone continuely telling themselves that there's no problem with a relationship they're in-maintaining the idea that there's nothing wrong in their relationship, maybe because they love that other person so much they don't want to let them go. But with situations like this there comes a time when one has to stop lying to themselves and face reality. This can be difficult for the individual; hence why in some cases it is easier to just continue lying to yourself.

If someone doesn't tell the 'whole' story-is this lying? It's keeping the truth from someone, so surely it is lying? But if it's to protect someone, I feel that this is okay.

Something else to consider is in the case of lying on CVs; is this right? It could mean that you unfairly get a job that was meant for someone else just because you 'appear' to have the qualifications required. In this case it can only be to gain personal benefits, hence being a selfish reason to lie.

So in conclusion; is lying good or bad? I suppose it all depends on the degree of lying and the reasons behind it.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Comment 2

After reading the Infedilty blog I was suprised to see that this person only classed having sex with someone else as cheating. I have to agree that this would be the worst thing that someone could do to me; and I'd without a doubt dump them on the spot-but i personnally think it would be just as bad if my bf kissed someone else. Even flirting is bad-although of course i wouldn't dump someone because of it-I'd just be annoyed.
As for the Swinging, as they mentioned, I can't even begin to think of how someone would be okay with this. Not only are they cheating, but they're doing it right infront of you. I have to admit, they must be very secure with themselves to allow their partner to sleep with someone else.


I personally don't understand how tattoos can be seen as 'bad'! Yes, maybe some people have them done as a rebellion, but that's not 'bad'. I believe that tattoos are a sign of individualality and perhaps most of them symbolise something significant to the individual.

I have just recently had my first tattoo done of a star design on my foot-apart from it hurting like hell I happen to love it. However; some people do not have the same opinion. For one my Dad did not like the idea of me having one and would not buy it me for my birthday (so i just used my birthday money instead hahaha). As he denied me the privilege of not paying for it with my own money he said, and I quote, 'why do you want to put that crap on your body?'. So that therefore influenced me even more to get it-perhaps this was my own rebellion?!

So taking my Dad's quote into consideration I decided to research the health risks of tattooing, just to see if my Dad was right for once (haha). So firstly; there's the risk of infection which isn't too bad cause it can be treated, but I myself would not like the thought of my foot dropping off because of my tattoo (thats a bit dramatic I know). You can even be allergic to tattoo, which i suppose would create the same dramatic fear that an infection would. You can get scarring and something callled Granulomas (=/) and, apparantly, tattoos can cause complication during MRI scans-I suppose that's pretty bad as it could stop serious problems being found as they can affect the quality of the image created from MRI scans.

Anyway, enough of that cause it's really not that interesting-but it is important I suppose.

So, I suppose when you think about it people have tattoos for loads of different reasons; for sentimental value i.e. having children's names tattoed, some people just like having them (or maybe they like the pain-something to think about), some people like to 'wear' a piece of art and some just use it as a fashion trend-as it's really common now to have a tattoo.

So really, overall I have no idea why anyone would even consider tattoos as being 'bad'. I think they show a side of your personality and, most, look really good! (including mine).

Sunday 22 March 2009


I believe that Infidelity is never right; even if the person you are with has cheated on you so you're just getting your own back on them by cheating on them-it just makes that person as bad as the original cheater. But when is it worse to cheat?

If you've been with a person for a few months and cheat; I don't think it's as bad as if you've been them with a year. I know it would probably hurt just as much, but I suppose when you've been with someone a while and you really trust them; it must be the biggest betrayal to find out that they've cheated on you-even if it's just one time or just a kiss.

When thinking about infidelity; I think that there are different levels of cheating an individual can do. Some people will think that a kiss isn't that bad and would easily take someone back that had just kissed another person; but I'm not too sure about that. If you're with someone, you just assume that you're going to be the only person they're going to kiss etc. I don't think I could ever take someone back who had cheated on me, even if it was just a kiss-to me it's the ultimate betrayal and can anyone ever really trust a cheat again? To me a relationship without trust is no relationship at all.

I read an article and found it quite funny that the studies found that 9 out of 10 mammals and birds commit infidelity, and I know that they're animals so factors associated with human relationships don't really apply. Their instincts are purely biological though it seems; it's said that females do it to get the offspring with the best genes and males do it in order to reproduce as much as they can. In humans, perhaps obviously, this is not the case; usually when someone commits infidelity it would terrify them to find out that they were having a child with the person they were having an affair with; that would propose many problems.

I suppose there's lots of different reasons why someone would cheat, some that were suggested were; low self-esteems, fear of loss of freedom, lack of mutual satisfaction & lust. Although, I feel that sometimes it can be alot more complicated than the things mentioned before. There's lots of personal reasons that could mean that someone cheats, and as for everything else I suppose every case is different.

Sunday 8 March 2009


Stalking is defined as following or observing a person persistently, especially out of obession or derangement. But can other more 'normal' things be seen as stalking; such as checking someone's facebook or myspace profile everyday or going to a club you know someone's going to be at? I don't think that is that serious; however, if it comes to the point where it is actually causing the 'victim' distress then it may be classed as stalking.

After doing some research I did not infact realise that stalking was actually defined by the DSM IV as a psychological disorder (which actually quite annoyed me as I am doing a Psychology degree). But stalking can be part of a Schizoid personality and is frequently associated with delusion.

I haven't really thought about stalking in that much detail, I did not realise that potentially stalking could turn so serious. There are some stalkers that try to manipulate their victims to react by sayin they are going to commit suicide; this I feel can only be done by someone that is psychologically not right, and not by a so-called 'normal' person.

I also found an article that said that women are more likely to be stalked by a previous partner than a total stranger; that's quite a daunting idea. I figure most of us have experienced a bad or hard breakup and the thought of this person then continuing to be part of our lifes without us even knowing is really scary. I would not like the thought that any of my ex-boyfriends knew exactly what I was doing at every moment of every day.

I also found that there was lots of organisations that help people getting stalked, again I did not realise that it occurred so often and at such a serious level that there needed to be organisations to help people.

It's not a good feeling knowing that perhaps someone that you were once in love with could turn against you after you split; it makes you think twice about the type of person you're going to date and if you do break it off with them how you're going to do so without upsetting them up to a point where they may become the type of person to stalk you...

Saturday 7 March 2009


I think we all presume men masturbate more than women; but is this neccessarily true? Maybe it's just because men do not find anything 'wrong' in talking about it openly infront of friends and in public, whereas women find that masturbation is a very private thing. This could perhaps be compared with the way that alot of men talk openly about their sex lives to basically anyone, but women find their sex lives as a very private matter and most only talk openly about it to their close friends.

Studies and statistical research has also found that men masturbate more regularly than women; but again could this be women not entirely telling the truth about it because they see it as such a private and 'taboo' subject.

However; I think nowadays female masturbation isnt seen as that wrong anymore. A female's role in sex used to be entirely for the pleassure of the man; and when looking at tradition women weren't even suppose to engage in any sexual behaviour until they were married and were supposed to stay 'innocent' and 'naive' until their wedding nights. Alot of people view this differently now; me being one of them. I think that a women has just as much right as a man to explore what they like and dislike within the bedroom, and also think that sex is a main factor in a strong and stable relationship.

I suppose though when taking everything into account; everyone is different. I'm sure there are some women out there that do talk openly about masturbation and don't see a problem with doing so. On the other hand; they'll be women that deny they do it everytime they're asked, just because they think its wrong or embarrassing.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Comments about Taisha Richards 'the world's a stage and we're all acting':

I read the blog labelled 'places considered taboo by some' and actually laughed out loud at it. I myself think the exact same thing as Taisha, but again like her can never bring myself to go into a sex shop. One thing I must say though is that although 'everyone does it' I would still find it pretty embarassing to know that a complete stranger knows about my sex life, to me that's a pretty private thing...but yeah; maybe week 12 could help people like us overcome this fear. Although, I don't quite think that the University would permit a group of students going on a 'field trip' to a sex shop =p


I can't really say that I know alot about Prostitution, but I just thought that it was a good subject to write about.
Well seen as this is a blog about 'being bad'; is it 'bad' to be a prostitute? I suppose there would be lots of very different views on this.
My opinion is indifferent I have to admit. I've seen the films, read the books and articles that feature prostitution; but I do believe that an individual could never understand why someone would want to become one until they are put in that situation. But then I also think if an individual is in such a bad way that they turn to prostitution there's got to be something else they can do other than sell themselves for sex. At the moment though I'm only generalising prostitution to places like the UK, where there are other ways for desperate people to get money.
After reading an article on the net I realised that the law only infact protects the purchaser of the service and not the actual prostitute. It suprises me with the amount of sexual assault and other sexually related crimes in society nowadays, that a prostitute is not protected by the law. So, a prostitue could experience violence from a man and the law wouldn't do anything about it; this is never right surely?
Apparantly there's also measures in place to legalise prostitution; I'm not too sure about this at all. I don't think it's totally right for a women to give up her body to a total stranger for money anyway, so actually making this okay in the eyes of the law is a step too far. The only advantage I can see from this is that a women would be protected within the industry by the law; so therefore perhaps this would lower the rates of violence and abuse directed towards these women.
So on the whole I can't really argue for or against this cause I have to admit I don't truly understand the full extent to what these women go through and what would bring them to do it in the first place, I suppose, like everything else, each individual is different and must have their own reasons for either doing it or being the buyer of it.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Week 12 Suggestion

I think that a good topic to cover in this module would be the topic of bullying; as this is in very frequent occurance. Discussing reasons behind why individuals bully and the effect on those being bullied would be an interesting topic to discuss.