Wednesday 6 May 2009


Bullying is pretty common nowadays, people get bullied for many different reasons; the colour of their skin,their weight,something about their looks, the way that they are i.e. their personalities. But I believe it's never right to bully someone. What right does someone have to pick on someone for just the way they are.

I'm sure most people have been bullied at some point in their lives. I know I have; but I was one of those people that got tipped over the edge. Some people can put up with being bullied and all they have to do is tell the teachers or their parents, or even face the bullies themselves, and then it's all over. I didn't do this.

I was bullied when I was 7 for being 'fat'; looking back now it was just puppy fat-something most kids had-but I guess the person who bullied me just wanted something to do or whatever. Anyway it got that bad that I stopped eating. I guess I figured that I was fat because I ate, so if I didnt eat then I wouldn't be fat; that's quite a scary theory for a 7 year old. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table and refusing to eat my food; my parents said that at first they just thought I was ill, like had a stomach bug or something, but then it just started to make them angry. They didn't know why I wouldn't eat, so they just got angry with me;I can remember sitting at the kitchen table crying just staring at my dinner until it went cold and my Mum finally let me leave the table. So my Mum ended up taking me to the hospital cause I was having dizzy spells and all that, by then I was as thin as, and I remember the doctors told me I had to start eating or I'd die-a scare tactic that worked. So i eventually put the weight back on; I was on medication and all that.

I got my own back though, on the guy that had been bullying me, when I was about 15 he turned up at my Secondary school-so I hit him! I think he had no idea why I did it; but it made me feel better, after all I could have died.

That is just one case of bullying; they can be so much worst and I have heard stories about people committing suicide because of bullying, which is terrible. What right does someone have to drive someone else to do something like that?

Some people say other people pick on people because they have low self-esteem so they have to pick faults with other people to make themselves feel better. This is an interesting theory and one that I believe. I know we shouldn't really feel sorry for bullies, but I do believe that they do do it for a reason and they're not just 'bad' people. It could be something that is happening at home or in their personal lives, or because they were bullied before and they want to feel like they have power over someone.

It's been found that boys pick on both boys and girls, but girls only pick on other girls. Why would this be? A boy picking on a girl doesn't make them look 'hard' so why would they do it? It doesn't make sense, but then again bullying doesn't make sense to me one bit.

Bullying can be that bad that there are even charities for it to help people that are victims of it. I believe that no matter how much we try as a society, there will always be someone that has to make a comment about someone or pick fault with someone else; just to make themselves feel better. Which is pretty sad really.

So, in conclusion; I believe that bullying is never right. It is something that can be undoubtedly categorised as 'bad' and anyone that believes that there's nothing wrong with it is obviously pretty stupid and probably a 'bad' person themselves.

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