Friday 1 May 2009


There's lots of risks of smoking; heart disease, cancer and circulatory problems. I personally don't have that much experience of smoking; none of my parents smoke and my brother doesn't. My Grandparents smoked for a period of my life but then gave up, but they now suffer from asthma.

I don't see the point in smoking to be honest; I don't understand what appeal it could have to someone. It smells, discolours your teeth and nails, there's loads of health risks and you become addicted to it. How is that a good thing? I'm proud that I've never smoked before in my life, i have been offered a cigarette every now and again, but it's just never appealed to me. It's not because I'm thinking about the chance of getting addicted or any of the health risks; it sounds vain but I'm more bothered about what it would do to my looks-i.e. discolour my teeth and make me smell. How is that attractive to anyone?

I suppose we could get into all the things that may influence someone to smoke; per pressure was probably one of the greatest influences on the young who smoke-they do it to try and make themselves look cool!!! But they just don't!!!

One of the worst things with smoking is passive smoking!!! There's nothing worst than walking behind someone down the street and having smoke blown in your face everytime they exhale. Not only does it increase the risk of health problems if it's consistent, it also makes you stink.

To me the smoking ban couldn't have come sooner; this is mainly do to with the fact that I don't see why just because someone wants to put their health at risks that they have the right to put someone else's health at risk through passive smoking. It was worst in restaurants; you got to eat smoke as well as the meal you ordered-which is never nice.

So in conclusion I don't understand the appeal of smoking at all; all it does is increase your health risks and make you stink!!!! Ew!

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