Saturday 7 March 2009


I think we all presume men masturbate more than women; but is this neccessarily true? Maybe it's just because men do not find anything 'wrong' in talking about it openly infront of friends and in public, whereas women find that masturbation is a very private thing. This could perhaps be compared with the way that alot of men talk openly about their sex lives to basically anyone, but women find their sex lives as a very private matter and most only talk openly about it to their close friends.

Studies and statistical research has also found that men masturbate more regularly than women; but again could this be women not entirely telling the truth about it because they see it as such a private and 'taboo' subject.

However; I think nowadays female masturbation isnt seen as that wrong anymore. A female's role in sex used to be entirely for the pleassure of the man; and when looking at tradition women weren't even suppose to engage in any sexual behaviour until they were married and were supposed to stay 'innocent' and 'naive' until their wedding nights. Alot of people view this differently now; me being one of them. I think that a women has just as much right as a man to explore what they like and dislike within the bedroom, and also think that sex is a main factor in a strong and stable relationship.

I suppose though when taking everything into account; everyone is different. I'm sure there are some women out there that do talk openly about masturbation and don't see a problem with doing so. On the other hand; they'll be women that deny they do it everytime they're asked, just because they think its wrong or embarrassing.

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