Sunday 8 March 2009


Stalking is defined as following or observing a person persistently, especially out of obession or derangement. But can other more 'normal' things be seen as stalking; such as checking someone's facebook or myspace profile everyday or going to a club you know someone's going to be at? I don't think that is that serious; however, if it comes to the point where it is actually causing the 'victim' distress then it may be classed as stalking.

After doing some research I did not infact realise that stalking was actually defined by the DSM IV as a psychological disorder (which actually quite annoyed me as I am doing a Psychology degree). But stalking can be part of a Schizoid personality and is frequently associated with delusion.

I haven't really thought about stalking in that much detail, I did not realise that potentially stalking could turn so serious. There are some stalkers that try to manipulate their victims to react by sayin they are going to commit suicide; this I feel can only be done by someone that is psychologically not right, and not by a so-called 'normal' person.

I also found an article that said that women are more likely to be stalked by a previous partner than a total stranger; that's quite a daunting idea. I figure most of us have experienced a bad or hard breakup and the thought of this person then continuing to be part of our lifes without us even knowing is really scary. I would not like the thought that any of my ex-boyfriends knew exactly what I was doing at every moment of every day.

I also found that there was lots of organisations that help people getting stalked, again I did not realise that it occurred so often and at such a serious level that there needed to be organisations to help people.

It's not a good feeling knowing that perhaps someone that you were once in love with could turn against you after you split; it makes you think twice about the type of person you're going to date and if you do break it off with them how you're going to do so without upsetting them up to a point where they may become the type of person to stalk you...

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