Sunday 22 March 2009


I believe that Infidelity is never right; even if the person you are with has cheated on you so you're just getting your own back on them by cheating on them-it just makes that person as bad as the original cheater. But when is it worse to cheat?

If you've been with a person for a few months and cheat; I don't think it's as bad as if you've been them with a year. I know it would probably hurt just as much, but I suppose when you've been with someone a while and you really trust them; it must be the biggest betrayal to find out that they've cheated on you-even if it's just one time or just a kiss.

When thinking about infidelity; I think that there are different levels of cheating an individual can do. Some people will think that a kiss isn't that bad and would easily take someone back that had just kissed another person; but I'm not too sure about that. If you're with someone, you just assume that you're going to be the only person they're going to kiss etc. I don't think I could ever take someone back who had cheated on me, even if it was just a kiss-to me it's the ultimate betrayal and can anyone ever really trust a cheat again? To me a relationship without trust is no relationship at all.

I read an article and found it quite funny that the studies found that 9 out of 10 mammals and birds commit infidelity, and I know that they're animals so factors associated with human relationships don't really apply. Their instincts are purely biological though it seems; it's said that females do it to get the offspring with the best genes and males do it in order to reproduce as much as they can. In humans, perhaps obviously, this is not the case; usually when someone commits infidelity it would terrify them to find out that they were having a child with the person they were having an affair with; that would propose many problems.

I suppose there's lots of different reasons why someone would cheat, some that were suggested were; low self-esteems, fear of loss of freedom, lack of mutual satisfaction & lust. Although, I feel that sometimes it can be alot more complicated than the things mentioned before. There's lots of personal reasons that could mean that someone cheats, and as for everything else I suppose every case is different.

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