Thursday 23 April 2009


I personally don't understand how tattoos can be seen as 'bad'! Yes, maybe some people have them done as a rebellion, but that's not 'bad'. I believe that tattoos are a sign of individualality and perhaps most of them symbolise something significant to the individual.

I have just recently had my first tattoo done of a star design on my foot-apart from it hurting like hell I happen to love it. However; some people do not have the same opinion. For one my Dad did not like the idea of me having one and would not buy it me for my birthday (so i just used my birthday money instead hahaha). As he denied me the privilege of not paying for it with my own money he said, and I quote, 'why do you want to put that crap on your body?'. So that therefore influenced me even more to get it-perhaps this was my own rebellion?!

So taking my Dad's quote into consideration I decided to research the health risks of tattooing, just to see if my Dad was right for once (haha). So firstly; there's the risk of infection which isn't too bad cause it can be treated, but I myself would not like the thought of my foot dropping off because of my tattoo (thats a bit dramatic I know). You can even be allergic to tattoo, which i suppose would create the same dramatic fear that an infection would. You can get scarring and something callled Granulomas (=/) and, apparantly, tattoos can cause complication during MRI scans-I suppose that's pretty bad as it could stop serious problems being found as they can affect the quality of the image created from MRI scans.

Anyway, enough of that cause it's really not that interesting-but it is important I suppose.

So, I suppose when you think about it people have tattoos for loads of different reasons; for sentimental value i.e. having children's names tattoed, some people just like having them (or maybe they like the pain-something to think about), some people like to 'wear' a piece of art and some just use it as a fashion trend-as it's really common now to have a tattoo.

So really, overall I have no idea why anyone would even consider tattoos as being 'bad'. I think they show a side of your personality and, most, look really good! (including mine).

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