Monday 4 May 2009


Many people swear and don't see anything wrong with it; I myself swear, sometimes totally by accident, but is it bad? I suppose there's a time and place to swear; I wouldn't swear infront of my Grandparents, but I do infront of my Mum & Dad. I can remember the first time i swore infront of my mum and dad; I got shouted at, it wasn't till I reached 18 that they allowed me to say the mild swear words. I must admit that I'm shocked at some of the words I hear 10/11 year olds saying, it's just not right.

Some people might say that swearing is totally unnecessary, I suppose there are enough words in the English language to express how you feel without swearing. But sometimes swearing is the only way to emphasise the feeling felt. I'm not the sort of person that swears every 3rd word; I mostly just do it when I'm really angry or if something really hurt. I think there's a time and place to swear; like amongst friends, where it's socially acceptable to do so.

It was interesting to find whilst doing research that modern studies have shown that non-literate cultures suggest that 'swearwords came from the belief that spoken words have power'. It's believed that spoken words can curse or bless people, so this leads to the belief that words are good or bad. Studies have also shown that swearing actually has a positive psychological effect on us; i.e. it allows us to get our feelings out so they do not build up inside of us causing us psychological harm.

So reaslistically; can someone say that swearing is bad when it's been found that it actually benefits us? I know it makes me feel better to swear if I'm angry. I don't think that it's necessary to swear every few words for no reason.

According to a study by Jay; 'we swear on average from 0.3% to 0.7% of the time — a tiny but significant percentage of our overall speech (frequently-used personal pronouns occur at approximately 1.0% rate in speech).' That's quite alot of swearing for an average person.

But is swearing bad? No, not in the right context. A sentence made up of more swear words than 'normal' words is bad; but a sentence expressing hatred or anger that contains a few swear words isn't too bad. If you swear for the right reasons I don't see anything wrong with it at all.

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